Wednesday 1 June 2016

Dignity is self-worth.

When you start telling a loved one

What he or she would like to hear

Rather than what you wish to say,

You are losing your dignity.

A yearning for one’s dignity

Is the strongest of all desires.

It must be the last sacrifice

One must be willing to make.

What you can give up to maintain

Dignity will make your self-worth.

What you can receive at the cost

Of dignity will mar the self-worth.

To set aside your self esteem

So as to give in to demands,

Would help you setting a pattern

You’ll be expected to repeat.

True love presupposes trust

And not surrendering dignity.

Trust is built upon honesty,

Which is spoilt by greediness.

Draw a line right from the beginning

Around you and make it explicit

So that others don’t trespass it

And your dignity is not bruised.


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