Tuesday 10 May 2016

Querencia in Spanish

The word Dharma is unique to Sanskrit;
The word Arram is unique to Tamil.
So is querencia to Spanish.
No equals in other languages.

Corrida in Spanish is the ring in bullfight.
In the midst of fight, the confronted bull
Will find its own safety spot in the ring
To reclaim courage to face matador.

Once the bull is in the spot of safety,
It is the bull that takes an upper hand
And could control the situation.
It is this where he feels relieved of fear.

Querer comes from Corrida, and means
To desire or to yearn for with earnestness.
Querencia comes from Querer and means
A spot or a time from where strength is drawn.

Querencia will refer to a place
Or a condition where one feels secure
And draws strength to face situations.
People get it but don’t recognize it.

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