Tuesday 31 May 2016


Failure is not opposite,
But a part of, success
As a tail is to its head.
One cannot escape failures.


Pleasing woman

He impaled her with his manhood
To see how she enjoyed writhing.
He then tossed her up and down
To see how she enjoyed crying.
Man’s pleasure is in pleasing woman.


Never ending

Each year, each month, nay, each day,
We discover how much we have left
To learn or to unlearn in life.
The process is never ending.


Cut down population to cut down crimes.

Hunting is killing; earning is hunting.
Living demands earning and hoarding.
In its pursuits, all virtues evaporate.
Prosperity weds criminality.


Obedience for survival

Place your obedience before the king
If the choice is between him and your wish
Or between him and the wish of parents.
She married him chosen by the king, ho.

Monday 30 May 2016

Mismatch is the order.

It’s not that the best is fit to the best crown
Or that the best bride to the best bridegroom.
Nor is that the worst ones are discarded.
Mismatch is thrust to be held as a match.

Must the license be abolished?

A woman is dependent on her husband
Economically or emotionally
Or both, which makes her surrender to him
And accustoms her to many sufferings.
Subjecting her to forceful sex is one.
Marriage is a license for consensual sex
And not man’s unilateral right.
Woman must resist marital rapes.
Anything misused must be withdrawn.
Must we withdraw the marriage misused?


Faith in judiciary

Why is there punishment-
In the court or outside?

An act of revenge to the victim’s behalf?
As a deterrent to the offender?
As a discouragement to others?
To uphold the law of the land?

What, if wrongly punished?
What, if wrongly acquitted?
What of inordinate delay?
What of seeming connivance?

A child drops a glass wear that breaks.
Mother gets angry and beats the child.
A lesson to it and its siblings as well.
Her anger gets an outlet to cool down.
What, if she beats it after one month?

When delay is endemic in courts,
What good do the courts do to subjects?
Misrule provokes revolution.
Faith in judiciary is shaken too;

Ontology of the world

A face is seen in a mirror;
A face looks in a photograph.
You see a face in a movie.
They are reflections of someone.
Reflections are exact in looks
But not real, and also not false.
No refection without objects;
Reflection and object connects;

Objects are inferred from reflections.
Relations between these two
Are the relations that exist
Between the universe and Shiva.
The whole world is the reflection
Of Supreme consciousness, Shiva,
Who reflects himself in the world.
Kashmir Shaivism profounds thus.

(Bimba and Pratibimba relation)


Children alone stand.

Other than my progeny,
Who will remember me
After I leave;  hence I leave
All for them, not any,
If I like them or not.

Run in her shoes.

To get a woman’s love,
You’ve to run in her shoes
At least for, say, a mile.
In case you didn’t succeed,
It’s o. k. as by then
You’ll be a mile away,
And with her shoes till then.


You’ll be a dictator.

Be extremely submissive,
Even to the point of hollowness.
Be extremely mysterious,
Even to the point of vagueness.
Then you’ll be a dictator
To the fate of your opponents.


The efficacy of the kissing

Kiss someone with passion.
Stress hormone, CORTISOL,
Will rush to the blood stream.
A feeling of safety comes.

Kiss someone with passion.
A chemical, DOPOMINE, 
Will release in your brain.
A feeling of wellness comes.

A passionate kiss refreshes.
Be it the mother’s for child
Or the lover’s for beloved.
Higher mammals have learnt it.


The candidate has no joy.

The paper was revalued
And the mark was made to forty.
Forty is a minimum to pass.
A pass was given to him.
The totaling was found wrong.
When totaled it comes to fourteen.
Must the mistake be corrected?
The layman can know the answer.
The learned cannot find it.
The candidate has no joy.

( a court verdict on an erroneous arithmetic came)

One will not wipe the other.

A sin done to one is not absolved
When a fevour is done to another.
Gratitude due to one, if not shown,
A help to someone will not wipe it.
A debt unpaid is not settled
By a loan paid to someone in need.
Desertion of one’s parents is not
Nullified by sacrifice to one’s children.


Sunday 29 May 2016

Fighters’ interests

Like two hunters fighting for a hare,
Like two thieves fighting for a treasure,
John and Peter fought for lovely Jane,
Where Jane’s interest is not involved.


Separated souls

Caught by her mother, she buried our love.
On getting married, she forgot our love.
After a long pause, when I invaded,
She discouraged my appearances.
Having lost her spouse, she didn’t change her stand.
Despite lonely living of her end days,
She wants no trace of my contacts to stay.
She values her reputation with her children.
In case she precedes me I shall see off her.
In case I precede her, our friend will tell her.

Polyandry to revisit

For every ten marriageable women,
There wait sixteen marriageable men.
Men are desperate; women are risky.
India and China suffer the most.

Marriage is still a sense of belonging,
Held and encouraged by all societies.
It is not mere a license to have sex,
But a unity with an identity.

Live-in relationships and single motherhood
Aggravate the shortage of women to wed,
Added with women turning to be nuns,
Leaving men turning as gays or perverts.

Polyandry may revisit to stay.

For a loving wife

A wife wants four pets with her.
A pussycat in the kitchen;
A tiger in the bed;
A pony in the household;
A jackass that pay her shopping.
Then she can be a loving wife.

Monday 16 May 2016

Peace is food. 

Peace is food and sacred is smoke
That rises from chimneys of all
When rice boils and bread is baked.
Food to all is the sign of peace.

Politics inescapable

The leftists take away from my fortune
In the name of fighting poverty.
The rightists do the same just politely
In the name of valuing family.

Either way I drain my fortune;
Either of them in turn benefit from me.


Background contributes.

Silence lends sweetness to voice.
Black gives lightness to white.
Dark gives brightness to a lamp.
Man adds value to woman.


God took no credit.

He was acquitted in the court;
His appeal was upheld.
Goddess took the credit;
Well wishers took the credit.
Able lawyers took the credit.
That astrologer too did it
The loyal judge delivered.
His supreme chuckled.
Not a surprise to the accused;
God is not in the credit list.

( a bought judgment, people allege)

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Her things remind me.

This is the table she sat at.
This is the file she had handled.
There’re other things I frequent with,
Which made good her absence from there.

The propinquity of these things
Belonging to her helped me to keep
Her image before me, even more
Than my memory would have done.

Querencia in Spanish

The word Dharma is unique to Sanskrit;
The word Arram is unique to Tamil.
So is querencia to Spanish.
No equals in other languages.

Corrida in Spanish is the ring in bullfight.
In the midst of fight, the confronted bull
Will find its own safety spot in the ring
To reclaim courage to face matador.

Once the bull is in the spot of safety,
It is the bull that takes an upper hand
And could control the situation.
It is this where he feels relieved of fear.

Querer comes from Corrida, and means
To desire or to yearn for with earnestness.
Querencia comes from Querer and means
A spot or a time from where strength is drawn.

Querencia will refer to a place
Or a condition where one feels secure
And draws strength to face situations.
People get it but don’t recognize it.

Making is from borrowing.

Words are made from letters borrowed.
Thoughts are formed from words borrowed.
Peaks are made from heaps dug elsewhere.
Pictures are made of paints obtained.
Discoveries and invention too;
Births and their growths are included.

Fools help them

Paid news; paid awards;
Paid posts; paid judgment;
Money does all tricks.
Fools are there to hail.


Optimists are welcome.

No pessimists have done anything
Amounting to invention, discovery,
Remedies or rescue operations,
Optimists failing in some attempts though.


Monday 9 May 2016

Happiness is sought.

Visiting shrines and going on pilgrimage
Is no more different from visiting
Resorts or going to cities in that
Both are used to derive some happiness.



Asses are segregated from horses.
Discrimination is not on sizes.
Discrimination is on their attributes.
Sizes serve as identification

The Blacks are segregated from the White.
Discrimination is not on colours.
Discrimination is on their attributes.
Colours serve as identification.


Weeping over death

One’s death drives us to sorrow.
If it’s parents, profound tears;
We weep over deaths because
We cannot see them anymore.


The sufferings of the old

The old age is bitter, which cancels
All happiness one has had earlier.
He is helpless and wanting like a child.
Unlike a child, he lacks parental cares.
Wealth he has kept is of no use to him,
When he’s lost his active brain to handle.
Being at the mercy of others for life,
He would suffer the most from want of aid,
With no alternative and with no appeal.
His end of life is the Hell he lives through.
One’s suffering end indicates one’s sins.


Who is at fault?

Sun rays excite leaves;
Flowers attract bees;
Females arouse males.
Reactions take place.
Who must be at fault?
God has no answers.

Rats eat grains; cats eat rats.
Cows eat grass; lions eat cows;
Worms eat and release salts;
Plants eat salts. Actions go on.
Who must be at fault?
God has no answers.


The power of love

It is not every man who gets a woman
Of her position to run after him
On foot and alone in a fervent search,
Following their relation turning soar,
With the blame squarely resting on her part
As she was misguided with false events
To form a mean image of him later.

She must meet him and get his pardon.
She must amend her relation with him.
Whether she shed shame and ran after him
Because her lover was irresistible
Or because the wrong she did was so grave,
Or because of both in variant scales,
She was at loss and had no time to think.

( Thanks to Miss Paula, Novel : A Laodicean, by Thomas Hardy.)

Saturday 7 May 2016

A love letter by Miss. Paula

You have an itch to tell me ‘I love you.’
You want me to tell you that I love you.
Why must this phrase be precious for lovers?
Sans this verbal, can’t love and care exist?

You and I are friends; it goes for sometimes.
You must have ascertained my sentiments
And discovered my inclination towards you.
What more do you want at this juncture?

Must you be adamant in your insistence
On my confession of passion for you?
Instead of pressing a lady on this,
You must see from her the love she conceals.

You must help her develop her interest
Before she perceives your interest-
By hiding her from her observation
And letting her desire to take a shape.

Can there be any situation, sir,
More charming than that of perceiving
A woman in love without herself being
Conscious of depth of her interest?

Isn’t it a triumph to rejoice in secret
Over what she has yet to recognize?
She herself discovering her interest
For you to hasten her acceptance;

Women labour under great difficulties;
A declaration of love is always
A mortifying experience to us.
Man may not know at what cost it must come.

It is woman’s instinct to retain power
Of obliging a man to hope, fear, pray
And beseech as long as they deem fit
Till before she confesses to her love.

How I would behave towards you now on
May not add to regard you have for me.
“I can promise you that you’ll not like me
Less upon knowing me better.”  Assure!

(Inspired by  the character  Miss Paula in the novel, A Laodicean,  by Thomas Hardy.)

Neighbours are bitter.

Two neighbours are inimical.
So are two adjoining states
Or nations. The nearness
Brings more area for craches.

No longer a loss

I felt no sorrow to leave the work place,
Where I had been stuck because of Nita,
Who, from being more than a dear friend,
Had become less than an acquaintance,
Not because I started loving her less
But because she preferred being different.



Humiliation is harsh,
Harsher than punishment.
Self-humiliation is still more.
To ask the beloved money
Is man’s self-humiliation
In its highest voltage.


Offspring is an extension.

Seeds are the extension of trees.
Chicks are the extension of birds.
Calves and cubs are too extensions.
Can children be quite different?

Contributors are immaterial.

A tower built and left by an invader
Is held like those monuments built within.
A child born of a rape is nursed by her
The way she does her child born of marriage.

Contributors are immaterial.


Any significance?

Everything changes; everything moves;
Everything passes; yet it remains still.
It is applicable to matter and energy.
So is to life force. Any significance?


The first PM of India

Jawahar Lal Nehru, held high
As Prime Minister of India,
Would not have slipped down since then
Had his dynasty not ruled it
For three generations till ago.
Anything perpetuated for long
Will end being resented by the mass.

Outside sourcing

He may be a gay, imperfect,
Or conditioned by self indulgence.
She may be a lesbian, a pervert,
Or a victim of child abuse.
Either of them or both can have
Disinterest in having sex
In a married life anytime,
Mostly in their middle course of life.
Self denial is self burial.
Grant them outside sourcing.

Thursday 5 May 2016

Why is God sought?

I cultivate crops to benefit.
I shepherd sheep to benefit.
I obey the king to benefit.
All pray to God in the same foot.


Safety eats safety.

I seek wealth more and more for safety.
I seek land more and more for safety.
I seek friends more and more for uses.
By guarding them I lose my safeties.


Money and might

Money can buy might; might can buy money.
Individually or collectively
They decide justice or ensure success.
To them will bend all the mightiest rules.



To mediate is not to adjudicate.
To mediate is to get a compromise.
Compromise is not the justice given
But the one struck by weighing  their weak points

The role of conscience

Conscience is built by conditioning,
On the base brought by heredity.
Conditioning is the result of the known,
From which the knowledge has been formed.

Knowledge, the accumulation of knowing,
Consists of ideas and opinions
And a sense of continuity of the known,
Influenced by the values nurtured.

Human conscience built is not alike
Among the people across the globe.
Its subtlety is the cross reflection
Of the value the society commands.

Conscience pricks one at the first instance,
And in subsequent recurrences thereon
Will go to sleep like one’s nose that reacts
When one has entered a fish market.


Wednesday 4 May 2016

Wear and tear

Love too has wear and tear.
The continued presence
Of lovers give wear.
The lasting absence
Of lovers give tear.
Love wears in proximity
And tears in separation.


Veneration the old

Veneration for anything old-
Be it a document or a monument-
Stands not because of any merit there
But because of their long continuance.


The tamed conditions

The orthodox of this era
Had been the heresy of the past.
The customary of this era
Had been the revolutionary of the past.


Epic heroes

Epics were not shaped by what really happened
But what was perceived to have happened.
Imagination has glorified it.
Epic heroes are not God incarnates.

The cost of merger

In every merger, be it subjective
Or objective there come casualties
Of identities. Old identities
Are sacrificed for new identities.

Tuesday 3 May 2016

To bring in the past

Over seventy years since the freedom,
India has been decaying in morals,
Thanks to the quadrupled population
And the absence of moral scriptures
In schools in the name of secularism.
Forests are shrunk; at peak are pollution.
Resources are shrunk; at peak is corruption.
Resurrection of the past can bring the past.

.You don’t understand

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Man from the Mars and women from the Venus
Talk Greek to each other and find rhythm.
He says to her. ‘You don’t understand.’
 She says to him, ‘You don’t understand.’
Not understanding is not for language
But for lack of emotion and concern.
She yearns for him to empathize with her.
He longs for her to sympathize with him.
She needs a listener in her partner.
He needs a trusty in her partner.
When their talks to each other break these norms,
To each other they say, ‘You don’t understand.’
That you don’t understand means more than words.

Man is one percent of men.

One in a hundred among men
Will become a leader of men.
Other men as the followers
Of women will end up their life.

Intuition- a look into

Knowledge is empirical
That comes through sense organs
And rests on subconscious level.
Knowledge is logical
That comes through reasoning
And rests on conscious level.
Knowledge beyond these is
Intuition, which transcends
The logic and is distinct,
Being the cause for all
Inventions and designs,
Also the cause for all thoughts,
visions and metaphysics,
Resting on super-conscious level.
For a few super-consciousness
Is active and make them worthwhile.


Peace is a rarity.

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Be in the pathless woods;
Be by the lonely brooks;
Be in the noiseless sails;
Be by the distant shores.
You’ll welcome being there,
Thanks to the madding crowd,
Because of which you seek so.

Pleasure from nostalgia

How sweet it is to see Padmini dance
In the screen, in the voice of M.L.V.,
To the tune of G.Ramanatha Iyer,
Again now after six decades passed!

How sweet it is to see Devika romance
In the screen, in the voice of Janaki,
To the tune of M.S. Viswanathan,
Again now after five decades lapsed!

A clear sign of nostalgia it is;
A proof that youth’s impression is strong;
A reason of a long deprivation
And of the bottled  sexual energy;

(Padmini of Kerala and Devika of Andhra were popular heroines in 1950s and 1960s, now no more, with respective popular playback singers and music directors in the Tamil filmdom. )

Consequence of action

Games are played with a set of rules.
Kingdoms are run with a set of laws.
Humans must be run with a law,
Which is made as Law of Karma.

Fear of bearing the consequence
Of one’s action as Karma phala, (fruit of action)
Which is true or not, as restraints,
Works in man against doing harms.

The old and the young make good.

With the tongue playful, palms skillful,
Fingers stiff and arms like a trunk,
A man of sixty can make a woman
Writhe and attain her needs in bed,
Thanks to all his resources of tact
Gained from experience over the time.
No surprise women receive old men.
No surprise, old men seek any women.


A stake-less vein ^

Mother, wife, daughter, all in succession
Lend a stake for a man to fall and rest on
From cradle to grave, and any break in chains
Will make him wander as a stake-less vein.


Monday 2 May 2016

Words lose their steam.

Consensual sex socially accepted,
Sex outside is no more a sin or crime
And words like concubine, adulterous, whore,
Paramour, harlot and slut will lose their steam.