Thursday, 31 March 2016

Which is a beauty?

Anything that fits your frame of concept
Made in the brain from habits, practice,
Customs, culture or the taste of high-class,
Will appeal to you as ones beautiful.


Who must be credited?

An actor performs as the director bids him.
A person performs as the God desires him to.
Must the credit go to the performers
Or the ones at whose bids things are done?


Truth is unwelcome.

Ninety percent population,
Brought up from the frozen mindset,
Will be offended or grow wild
If I speak the truth about God.


Natural justice denied

Reservation by cast or religion
Would frustrate the bright or the able ones
And weaken the systems’ efficiency,
Adding victims of incompetency.


Relief is a pleasure

Spring and Autumn are good
But winter is harsh.
Only Spring steals the show;
Autumn gets no red carpet.
Spring is a reliever
Of discomfort of winter.
Relief is more a pleasure.


The fly and the cow

A fly can sting a cow and makes her wince
But one is only an insect in rank
And the other is a cow still, to note.
It is not to pride itself on its act.
[Inspired by Samuel Johnson]


Necessities make one corrupt.
Competitions make one corrupt.
Fueled ego makes one corrupt.
Exceptionalism comes to resqué.

Exceptionalism is justification
That you or your ground is different
From that of others, and stands as special
With no need to conform to norms or rules.

Friendships across gender

Which woman has not ended her friendship
With a man because she smelt love in it?
Which lady has not ended her friendship
With a lord because she felt sex in it?
She bears no regrets but get aversion
Towards such person for further contacts.


The cause changes into the effect. ^

The cause does not produce the effect.
The cause changes into the effect.
Cotton and yarn are the cause and effect.
Cotton changes to yarn, not produce it.


Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Transfer of information

Transfer of information is the base
Of evolutionary theory.
It takes place when two gametes meet and join
To form a zygote by passing their genes.
That is why a baby is the copy
Of its parents in behaviors
Attitudes and instinctual actions,
Duly improved by each generation
From the natural selection.


One sided love

Love is exchange of faith;
Love is exchange of sway.
A sign of loyalty;
Souls insecure seek love.
Love is to influence one
And yield to one’s influence
For a satisfaction
In a secured feeling.
Love one sided gives it half
Like one’s devotion to God.


Rama and Krishna

 Rama is a character;
Krishna is a character.
They are heroes in Epics.
They aren’t at fault
If they are made Gods
By the descendants.


The sweetest music

The song that is sweet to listen
grows sweeter to one who sings it
And the sweetest to one who have
It catch on among audience.


The opposite bank is greener.

Does he seem to be a better husband
Than the one you have had for a decade?
No, you are mistaken; he’d not be so
If he were yours and lived with you for long.

Does she seem to be a sweeter wife
Than the one you have got for some years?
No, you have mistaken; she ‘d not be so
If she were yours and lived with you for long.


Tuesday, 29 March 2016

For peace to stay

The Gita teaches about Karma Yoga.
Engaging in action will be Karma.
Detachment to the outcome of action
Is Karma Yoga, told in six tenets.

Do the work fairly, following ethics.
Do it diligently without laxity.
Have eyes on the work, not on the result.
Accept the result whatever it is.

Disown any pride following success.
Be not possessive of such success.
Such Karma Yoga practiced by all
No religion is required to spread peace.


The brave

The brave one fears not the defeat,
With little to worry about.
He is braver than the one
Who fights to escape defeat.


Natural selection

Parents are not your choice;
Children are not your choice.
So is your spouse or neighbor.
Teachers and colleagues too;
How good or bad they are
To you is nothing but luck,
Which’s  natural selection.


Woman’s rise

‘I no longer cook like my mother
And shall drink like my father’ she said
On an International Woman Day.
Pulling down man is not the way
To uplifting woman, she must know.
She must get freedom from dogmas,
From sexist beliefs, oppression
And chauvinistic approaches.
Don’t you want him to mother your kids;
You cannot replace him for a father.


A zero and a hollow

If you have no means, you are a zero.
No host and no guest, you would want to be.
You wield no influence with the people
And cannot spread your skills across.
You would be spineless in front of your wife.
Your courage would wilt to exercise your right.
It is like growing crops without water.
If you have no means, you are a hollow.


Sunday, 27 March 2016

Does a woman deserve a rape?

Does a woman stunningly dressed
Invite a rape?
Does a woman roaming at night
Deserve a rape?
Must a woman meekly submit
To one’s raping?
Must a woman shove the rape-shame
Under the carpet?
‘Yes’ was the answer to these from
A rapist-convict.
Government censored the interview
To Indian Public.
Better to bury bitter news
Was the motto.
Mind set of men in India
Cannot be changed.


Exit from the world

No colleague will get sorrow
On your superannuation.
The same will be the case
When anyone exits the world.


Let us fear God

It is a rope and not a snake.
The child took it to be a snake
And behaved with the fear at heart.
It is a stone and not the God.
Man folks took it to be the God
And behaved with the fear at heart.
True or false, fear complex impacts
Human for a good conduct.

Vibration of energy

Even solid stone is in vibration;
Placid water too is in vibration.
Mater is not solid but really
Is a vibration of energy.
Matter and energy are not different
In terms of movements of molecules.
Conversion from matter to energy
Is from lower to higher vibration.
Life force vibrates all organisms
In addition to the vibration of bodies.


The brain is the individual.

Eyes replaced, there is no difference
In the perception and reaction.
One’s brain is one’s individuality.
No other part replaced will change one.


Give meaning to life.

Life is without meaning;
The sense gives it meaning.
Words are without meaning.
Knowledge brings it meaning.
A mouse can be a rodent
Or a device as well.
A crane can be a bird
Or a machine as well.
Give meaning to life
And be distinct from beasts.


No need of Gym

Muscular man harbours sexist belief.
Man with sexist belief becomes muscular.
They are not in the selection lists
Of modern women who value freedom.


Death is holy.

 Life and fire exist on combustion.
Their existence is destruction.
Life and fire are held holy yet.
Death puts an end to destruction.


Saturday, 26 March 2016

Love dies before one dies.

 Love starts with parents and shifts to lovers,
Then to a spouse and then to one’s children.
Towards the end it rests on grandchildren.
Then without stake, it dies before one dies.


Beliefs ruin one.

All the good things come to an end.
All the bad things come to an end.
Springs and winters come to an end.
This stage would change at any stage.

Contentment is easy to get.
It is the key of the happiness.
Between too much and too little
Can you find happiness in life.

Religions promise an after-life.
It is the bait it hooks you with.
Reward for conducts and relief
From pain, religions promise you.

Each one follows one’s instincts
And not intelligence, most of time.
Most of decisions are made
At subconscious, not conscious.

Only at the end of one’s career
Could one realize that how wasteful
One has led one’s life on beliefs
Faiths and hopes, all unfounded.


Shaivism – a religion

Shaivism revolves around Lord Shiva.
Tantric philosophy gave birth to it.
Kashmir Shaivam is with monastic faith
 While Shaiva Siddandam is dualistic.

Bhairava, Rudhra and Shiva have been
Three forms akin in ferociousness 
To the Wild Bull, the Bull and the Ox.
He and his subjects profess humbleness.

As Shiva, He is potential energy;
As Sakti, He is creative energy.
Conjugation of male and female
Is symbolized by Linga, the idol.

Shiva reminds you of your destination.
Ash is what one would become after death.
He wears ash to remind us of the end
And to live observing austerity.

Followers of Shiva is in firm belief
That they’d get painless death, the Moksha.
Glorious rich life with horrible death
Is a tragedy they want to escape from.
( I am a Shaivait. My father had insisted on me to devote to Shiva for a death without being bed ridden, and he left his little cash for the village Shiva Temple and died peacefully at my lap at his 93in 2007)

Which is faster?

Many languages will die soon, some predict,
Because of English as the world language.
Human race will die sooner, some predict,
Because of the Sun heat and carbon dust.

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Others’ views kill me.

I must grow such that my parents are proud.
I must stay such that my spouse is proud.
I must move such that my children are proud.
These in mind, I’ve drained my blood all my life.


Affection dissipating

Brotherly affection is halved
When siblings have got parenthood.
Little affection is retained
Once they’ve got grandparenthood.
No sorrow in depth will engulf
When the co born departs from them,
Thanks, their parents would not be there
To witness the disintegration.


Unattached observations

To fall is not a disgrace;
Waterfalls are nice to look at.
To stoop is not a disgrace;
Paddy stoops heavy with corns.
Failure is not a disgrace;
Waves ebb with soothing delight.
Blurring is not a disgrace;
Mist is delightful to watch.
To observe things is beauty
Though negative in action.


The cost of people

Harvests can be manifold
Of seeds sown in the field.
To earn love and affection
From the people chosen,
One has to sow many folds
Of favours and efforts.
Decide whether it is worth
Having friends and relations.


To segregate selfishness

It’s very hard for one to navigate
Between selfishness and selflessness.
To exist is to live on other organisms.
Which itself would amount to selfishness,


Wednesday, 23 March 2016

To segregate selfishness

It’s very hard for one to navigate
Between selfishness and selflessness.
To exist is to live on other organisms.
Which itself would amount to selfishness,


Abundance of choice

Mate selection has now become easy.
Barriers of caste and religion are cut.
Men and women study or work together.
Abundance of choice afflicts selections.

What if I commit and someone better
Come along later? A boy is worried.
What if someone far better come along
After I am married? A girl is worried.

Every woman waits for a prince;
Every man waits for a princess.
They exhaust their age and spirit of love
And find a mate to be dissatisfied with.

Tendency to skip marriage commitment
And settle in live-in relationships
Seems handy for the pair independent.
Abundance of choice means discontentment.


Cleaning is shifting.

People being clean, their houses are dirty.
Houses being clean, their yards are dirty.
Their yards being clean, their areas are dirty.
Dirt is only shifted by cleaning it.


Animals’ love

Love is reckless, reasons not.
Reason will seek a profit.
Love is aimless; no purpose;
Purpose will seek benefit.
Animals have no reasons.
They love truly unlike man.

No revenge

Grass takes no revenge on cows;
Cows take no revenge on lions.
Slaves take no revenge on masters.
Masters take no revenge on beasts.
To eat and to be eaten is life.
Revenge breeds within the species.


Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Love and jealousy

When you love, you cannot be jealous.
When you are jealous, you cannot love.
Man and woman are hardly jealous
Of each other , due to sexual pulls.


Man’s wants from woman in bed

What is man’s mind when he’s on woman in bed?
Manicure and pedicure are irrelevant.
Draperies and jewelries are immaterial.
Lipsticks and eyes kohl are inconsistent.

He likes her more when she is fresh from bath.
He wants her eyes when in a half shut mood
And her hand holding the pillow or his trunk.
The climax is when she takes him in her palm.

Plum figure is not a disgrace to his eyes.
A little flesh in the belly is welcome.
The dark skin is not a deterrent one.
Shyness against invasion is welcome.

It is a waste of money and the time
For a woman to decorate herself
With all that the ultra fashion demands.
Her participation keeps him with him.


Woman is helpless.

Fully draped, yet woman is helpless.
Curves, contours and shapes would betray her.
Her face and hair are enough to strike a man.
To skip man’s searching eyes, she is helpless.


The endless pit

Greed is an endless pit.
It exhausts a person
In his endless efforts
To fill it to the brim
With satisfactions.


Man’s drive is five fold.

Survival, breeding, domination
And territory are the four domains
Where all organisms get their drives.
Man’s drive is for after-death name also.


Sunday, 20 March 2016

A movement

More ignorant than me must you be
To be my disciple or servant.
Duller than me be or vacate the place.
The bright and not the weak shall be weeded.


Love is not gift.

Be it love that makes the lovers flutter
With joie de vivre in their pursuit of love.
Be it not the gift that makes the lovers flutter.
The expensive gift need not bring results.
 Be a gift you give, a token of love,
And not to sound as a bribe or a bait
To the partner, which will dampen her love.
Intimacy and transparency will do.
Empathy and identity will do.
Must there be chemistry to strike the deal.


The creation theory

The creation theory says
That God has made the world
With all its diversities.
The evolution theory says
That random chance creates the world,
With chemicals changing into genes
And genes into living things
With varieties over millions of years
From natural selection
And mutation under compulsion.
The people who had invented
The creation theory, would not have done
Had they been born after Charles Darwin.


Focus on luck.

Find where your luck lies and not where talents.
Be your search for the luck, and not talents.
You do one thing well but not the other.
If the luck favours the latter, grab it.


Where lies vacuum?

One’s death creates a vacuum
Only in one’s children’s hearts
And grand-kids to an extent.
It would not be found elsewhere.


Saturday, 19 March 2016

Giving and receiving

Is giving good or receiving?
Is giver noble or receiver?

In giving, ego gets a boost
And sets to lead to arrogance.
In receiving, ego gets a beat
And bleeds to humiliation.

Feeling insecure, one gives.
Being insecure, one gets.

In giving, possessiveness dilutes.
In receiving, greediness consolidates.

Willingness to give to someone
Who is in utter need to get
Is the wise giving and receiving.

Giving is good; receiver is noble.


Mother knows her child.

He reads less and plays more.
He writes less and colours well.
He loathes arithmetic
And do manual works.
The teacher wrote him of.
His mother kept him up.


Man is rational.

With his sixth sense, man can discriminate
The right and the wrong, and pick the wrong.
Only man makes laws, police, courts and jails.
Only he holds governments and universities.


Victims of media

Heroines romance in scanty clothes,
That they’d not dare to wear in public.
Modals exhibit revealing clothes,
That they feel shy wearing in public.
Media is selling; must we be buying?
Media is fooling; must we be fooled?



Paddy crops adorn the field.
Lotus plants adorn the pond.
Modesty adorns woman.
Composure adorns man.


Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Be a poet, not a poetry writer.

A poet is more than a poetry writer.
He writes a lot and adheres to a form
Of convention or a standard he’s set.
He abstracts for universal appeals.

It is from outside that a poet works,
Taking a step back for observation.
He writes to unburden himself in verses,
And make readers unburden themselves.


To chase and to escape

Laws are amended to combat the might.
The might find a way to overcome it.

Drugs are upgraded to combat germs.
The germs find a way to resist attacks.

Leopard and dear learn running fast.
Each one is at war to hunt and to flee.


Travelers are we.

If God has created the Universe,
Who had created the God as the first?
There’s always a problem with a beginning-
A puzzle human minds cannot solve.

The science discovers how the Universe works.
The religions conceptualize why it works.
Scientists emerge and prophets emerge.
Many more inventions and revelations.

We are caught in between in the voyage
Like ones who travel between two stations
In a train that goes without a known
Destination and without a time schedule.


People progress

I was promoted to the next standard
To occupy that class vacated by students
And to leave the class for upcoming ones,
Like one who moves in a queue to reach.


Nonviolence includes violence.

Nonviolence includes violence too
If it as a duty prevents violence
Or as a norm helps win the justice
Or as a form kills the less important.

Police use violence to control the mob.
Army wage war to guard the territory.
A child is rescued at a cost of a beast.

Violence was expected from Arjuna,
Who had run away from obligatory
Task of defense in the Epic War
For fear of violence he might cause
To his kin and gurus in the battle.

Lord Krishna bid him to rise to fight
As a warrior to do his duty,
With a series of dialogue known as Gita.
Nonviolence includes violence too
In minimal dose to a higher result.


Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Fear of the society

Fear of being lynched rather than the law
Prevents sexual crimes in a society.
Stigma attached to adultery, not laws,
Secures fidelity in the society.
Otherwise, the society has decayed.


To identify Hindu gods

Lord Rama with a bow;
Lord Krishna with a flute;
Lord Muruga with a spear;
Lord Siva with a snake.

Goddess Parvathi with a trident;
Goddess Lakshmi with a lotus;
Goddess Sarasvathi with a yarp;

God and goddess have
No faces of their own.
They are identified
With fixed accessories.


The actor and the witness

In each of us live
An actor and a witness.
When you respond
You become an actor.
When you don’t respond
You are a witness.
Some are intentional
And some are incidental.
A witness has more peace
Than an actor gets.


Possessive of God

A woman occupying all the time
A man’s thought, he is possessive of her.
A God’s name occupying all the time
A man’s mind, is he possessive of God?


In a way all are slaves.

A slave does as his master bids.
I’m provoked as you provoke me.
I’m moved as you instigate me.
Am I different from a slave?


To vent anger

When you get hunger, you address yourself.
When you get anger, you want to fix someone.
Let that someone be a nonliving thing
So that you are safe from retaliation.


Fate, Free Will and God

The world is beyond one’s comprehension.
We have no clue to many of happenings.
We discover how things are performing
With no answer as to why they do so.
Why must the sun burn, the earth revolve
And rotate and living things come into being?
We are, therefore, left to perceive the world
Only through a frame of references.

Fate, Free Will and God are the chief three frames
Through which we see all manifestations.
We are left no choice but to withdraw
To our constructed realities
With inherent limitation explained
Away by myth and Mythology.
No wonder, we believe the mythology
As we do in Fate, Free Will and God.
