Monday 29 February 2016

The role of Kama

Kama primarily means sexual desire,
A potential energy embedded
In every individual alike
By way of pleasure reward, to exist.
Any form of desire has its tap root
From Kama and any activity
Ardently pursued is the modified
Or the sublimated desire of Kama.

Kama is the root of the chief pleasure.
But for Kama, where are the erotic
Arts and poetry viewed with interest
Across generations and territories?
But for Kama, where could be jealousy,
Revenge and anger in operation
With such passion and energy in life.
Sacrifice also is Kama’s tendency.

Kama is the other side of Dharma. [virtue]
Kama is a duty one does for oneself.
Dharma is a duty one does for others.
Kama is looked upon as an obstacle
To spirituality by all religions
And is permitted within marital frame.
Kama with its pleasure as a bait creates,
Maintains and terminates an individual.


That fatal day to all

There will be a day
When you have no tomorrow.
There will be a loved ones
Whom you would see no more.
That day is the fatal day
That you cannot recollect.


Secularism in true sense

Religions can have a say
In any public affair.
They should have no privilege say.
All religions can have a say;
No one must have a privilege say.
One can pursue any faith to his likes.
Conversion that is organized
Has no place in agenda.
Anyone can criticize religions,
For which he’s not to be taken to task.
Violence in the name of religion
To be dealt with like a violence.


Time is the wheel.

In a wheel that moves, when an arm goes up,
The one opposite goes down in same pace.
Neither of them is the cause of their moves.
X has replaced Y; time will come for Y.

Evolution in sense organs

Plants like things have one sense-
The sense of touch alone.
Snails like creatures have two senses-
The sense of taste as one more.
Ants like bodies have three senses-
The sense of smell in addition.
Crabs like segments have four senses-
The sense of sight, a new one.
All mammals possess five senses-
The sense of hearing as the fifth.
Humans are distinct with six senses-
The sixth one as mind, a special.
Is man blessed or cursed to have
Sixth sense that beats him more than pats?


Duty breeds right

Be duty conscious and then right conscious.
Generosity is superiority.
Fingers work for you to their abilities.
You’re fair to them, who make no war with you.



Be at ease with your abilities;
Be at ease with your limitations.
Be at ease about your skin and looks,
Also opportunities limited.

Ignore what is missing in your life.
Notice what is missing in others’ life.
To be judgmental is to make war with yourself.
Worry not for something too high to get.

Know that you don’t know when you don’t know.
Justify not yourself when you go wrong.
Peer pressure must not eat you up.
Self-acceptance makes peace with you.


Sunday 28 February 2016

Seers for comforts

Attachment is the source of sufferings.
Attachment is the bond of slavery.
Love of comfort is born of attachment.
Passion for some is from attachment.

Pattinathar, a Tamil merchant lord,
Denounced his wealth and family
And all comforts from the will of wisdom
And wandered about under the blue sky.

With his arm as pillow under his head,
He lay one day on a veranda.
He heard a comment from a woman
That he hadn’t left the desire for comfort.

 At once he released his arm off the head
And felt ashamed of his ignorance.
Self-declared seers must understand this.
Thronging devotees must understand seers.


Stick to your name

 You might be known for something good
By which you must stand with all efforts
Like one who walks fast with efforts
To stand still on a treadmill.


Detachment in true sense

Detachment is not no-attachment,
Nor non-involvement. It’s having
No attachment to the fruit of action.
With an eye for the end, you’ll overstep.


Nonviolence is defined.

Killing is a violence; hurting too,
Mental or physical. Showing
Aggression and exploitation
Amount to as much violence.
Contemptuous treatment too;
Nonviolence must exclude all
These when you say you practice it.


The fallen flower

The lotus flower, while holding the stock,
Gets patronage from water and the sun.
Once dislodged, it decays in water
Or wilt under the sun; no more patronage.
Fallen from fortune, one goes unwanted
To the family and the society.
[the simile is borrowed from a Tamil classic]


Saturday 27 February 2016

No scar for man

When a hammer hit a nail,
The hammer got no bend.
The bend is born by the nail.
When an axe fell on a tree,
The axe received no cut.
The cut is born by the tree.
When a knife tasted the finger,
The knife sustained no wound.
The wound is born by the finger.
When a man consumed a woman,
The man retained no scar.
The scar is born by the woman.


The cat shuts its eyes.

She made it a secret for fear of shame
And believed that her people know not it.
They who knew faked their innocence to her.
She shut her eyes to keep the world in dark.


Guilt prompts.

The inadequacy of love
And the insufficient care
Shown to the parents in their ends
Prompt one to remember them often.

No advice is absolute.

The advice sought from a doctor,
A lawyer or a professional
Comes with their limited knowledge
And may not be adequate to protect you.
The second opinion must be sought
And must be weighed with your intuition
To arrive at a course of action
To be taken and even then you might fail.


Elimination not on the card

In spite of physicians, deaths occur;
In spite of religions, criminals thrive.
The purpose serves not to eliminate
But to postpone or dilute occurrence.


Neutral stand works well

To move towards north is to go from south.
To be with some is to be off the rest.
To wear the religious marks to please that sect
Will make other sects keep away from you.

Why to fear death?

I can perceive no more;
No one can perceive me.
I can remember no more.
No knowing if I’m remembered.
Chief four factors are these
For which one might fear death.


Friday 26 February 2016

Power destroys peace

Power is a desire to dominate
The other psychologically,
Intelligently or physically.
It empowers all in variant degrees.

Emperor Asoka tasted power
Physically by winning many wars,
 Psychologically with a ban on war
And intelligently in spreading peace.

Power is sought to safeguard one’s position.
The more you get it, the more you want it.
The more you want it, the more you are caught.
The sword you wield cannot ensure peace.

The power you get, will increase the risk
That you have to face from the equal one
That will develop targeting your stake.
The power monger is an insecure one.


The final death

You are not dead when you are dead;
You are dead only when the last known one
Who would remember about  you, is dead.
Since then, your name when heard would have no face.


Being without birth

Events and people existing
Before the birth and after the death
Have no relevance to one’s feelings.
Events and people existing
Beyond the vision and the knowledge
Have no impacts on one’s feelings.
To that extent has one been spared
From sufferings and happiness.

The bliss must be being without birth.


Time and life

Life is time bound; spend it wisely.
Waste of time is waste of life.
To save time is to last in life.
No go back in time and life.


Duty till farewell

With the last born having settled in life,
I thought my duty in life was over.
Then came the attending of my parents
In their old age, a stressing experience.
With that I thought my duty was over.
Then came the nursing of my wife struck
By a fatal illness, a taxing experience.
With that too, my duty was not to be over.
Sucked of sap, I have to keep my offspring
In good humour, a wounding experience.
The last one is a duty without heart
And yet is sweet as the last exercise.


Thursday 25 February 2016

The gain of the birth

Birth is a gain; death is not a loss.
To feel the birth as a gain, you are there.
To feel the death as a loss, you aren’t there.
The birth itself is not a gain post death.


Gods for religions

No gods will save you because you pray
Nor will they desert you because you don’t .
Other living things are the best examples.
Yet we believe in God to be in religions.


Names are ripples.

How long would a ripple last?
How long would a name last?
A year, a decade or at most
A generation; beyond which
The name carries no relevance.
Yet thirst for a name is not lost.


Blocks for lies

Tell lies but not to escape.
Tell lies but not for a favour.
Tell lies but not to implicate.
Tell lies but not to spare one.

As a witness, tell not a lie.
As an informer, tell not a lie.
In statistics, commit no lies.
In findings, invent no lies.




A man of vigour, he succeeded me,
A man of composure, in a concern.
If he continues to have composure,
He will have done what I couldn’t in the end.


For a salvation

To purge the guilt made of hurts
That you have hurled at someone,
Repent it, ask pardon of it
And fairly compensate it
For a salvation of the soul.


Wednesday 24 February 2016

What for Money and Power?

What for is money if it is not used
To buy comforts and feed five senses?
What for is money if it is not used
To access women and derive pleasure?

What for is power if it is not used
To command respect and deliver goods?
What for is power if it is not used
To influence women and get pleasure?


Water and history

Rain is pure but not water, coloured.
Facts are true but not history,defaced.
Water can be purified but not history.
Water essential; history optional;

Morals and faiths

Lie not; drink not; steal not; lust not;
kill not.
They are penda-morals; No faith contradicts them;;
Faiths might change but not the moral.
Then, why is conversion, a mockery?
