Sunday 17 July 2016

How is killing measured?

One cut a buffalo,
Another one, five goats
And the third, ten hens
For the feasts they threw.
Each one killed had a soul
With variant sizes.
Is the sin soul based or size?
Is the king and the knight same?

A unit is dead.

A leaf dead, its twig is not dead.
A twig dried, its tree is not dead.
A tree dead, not dead is the tree
It came from or the trees it gave.

A tree dead, a unit is dead;
It lives by its species, family,
Plant and animal kingdoms.
A man dead, a unit is dead.


Woman in thought

A woman’s image is brought to one’s thought
When the man indulges in masturbation.
A woman’s image appears in dream
When the night emission occurs to one.
Woman in thought is the primary cause
For fulfillment of man’s sexual pleasure.


To kill restlessness

Whom can you trust? Whom can you blindly trust?
If not a mother, a wife or a father
Or a daughter or a son, then whom?
Can one live then in the state of distrust?

Trust is a natural survival instinct
Of humans and as much of all mammals.
Animals herd together to be safe.
Humans too feel more secure in groups.

Man deviates from this phenomenon
Even within his family to his peril.
Be trustworthy to inmates at all cost.
You can’t live in a state of restlessness.

Your inmates must be such that you trust them
Blindly, assuredly and voluntarily.
You must be such that to them in turn.
Then see how in rest your mind is seated. 


Valuation is fluid.

Good or bad is from judgment;
Great or low is from judgment;
Strong or weak and in and out too;
Judgment is from relativity,
Which is time bound and space bound.
Valuation is hence much fluid.


Friday 15 July 2016

Is Addyi a boon to woman? ^

Man, learn from the past.

The strongest of species failed to survive.
The most intelligent failed to survive.
The ones most adaptable to change can.
In which way does man want to become?


I know it.

What all I own will be owned by some
As soon as I breathe the last, I know.
They’d disown my body and dispose
Of it with aversion for it, I know.

Thursday 14 July 2016

Do we want such worships?

Hindus have got hundreds of gods.
They go to them for a fortune.
They go to them for a relief.
As and when or if they get them
They put the god sought as the cause.
They stick to them and make them rich.
They forgo norms, with gods backing.
The filth in them is unaddressed.
No Hindus go for repenting.
No Hindus go for reforming.


Power rules.

Older men declare war;
Younger ones fight and die.
Men on throne declare war.
Men in barrack fight and die.
It is the man made world
Where power is the judge.


Necessity of gratitude

I took a holy bath in a pond built.
No gratitude to the architect rose.
No gratitude to the provider struck.
My attention was on washing of sins.

I worshiped God made in a statue;
No gratitude for the sculpture rose.
No gratitude for the builder struck.
My attention was on favour from Him.

I was served a wholesome meal free of cost.
No attempt to find who made the arrangement.
No attempt to know who the provider is.
My purpose was on meeting my hunger.

Can God bless those who lack gratitude?

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Is dying one much learned?

We learn and unlearn as we grow.
The more we grow the more we unlearn.
Beliefs, trust, information would tumble.
At the end will accumulate the unlearned.


Promises of religion

An eternal life is the stick and carrot
That religion offers as bait to people.
Follow religion; Heaven is assured.
Stray from religion; Hell is threatening.

Gone all souls either to Heaven of Hell,
Where are the new souls coming from all time?
What about the new entrants, consequent
To constant increase in population?

Holding Soul as eternal and timeless,
Could we brand souls as Past, Present and Future?
Self exists in continuum with other selves
And form consciousness uncountable.

After life is a poetic allegory
As much as those spun in mythology.
Soul of every organism comes
As extension of parental bodies.

What we call ourselves are shaped by others
And the selves of others are shaped by us.
Many atoms that circle in our bodies
Might have been constituents of the dead.

There are no eternal individual souls;
No Heaven or Hell; no incarnation;
There is only on cosmic consciousness
Which we dwell  in, and which dwells in us.
( Inspired by ‘The World as Will and Idea’ – Schopenhauer)

Secret discreet deeds

Conservatives spurn anything of sex.
They don’t talk, nor hear anything of sex.
They beam with posing chaste and virtuous looks.
Those shy in public would dare in secret.


Life defined

New life comes into being from mating.
New life is the extension of existing life.
The dead life meets disintegration.
Old leaf and new leaf come from the same source.


Tuesday 12 July 2016

To Value a culture

Nothing is pleasing like having hygiene;
Nothing is pleasant like hospitality.
Nothing is drawing like benevolence.
With these as yardsticks culture is valued.


Love to free, not to freckle

No woman wants to be caged by her man
In the name of passion and protection.
No man wants to be chained by his woman
In the name of attention and attachment.

Love must nurture freedom, not stifle it.
Love must join lovers as a pair of wings
That can flutter at will in their directions.
Love is to free, not stifle, their movements.

Who are not questioning each other
And who aren’t answerable to each other
Find more independence in their life style,
Which free them from the stress of being bound.

Loving eyes must not turn to watchful eyes.
It is there, though not, if you doubt about it.
It’s not there, though is, if you don’t doubt it.

Husband and wife are in perfect harmony
When they are in job at different sites
Or frequently away of each other,
From where they get absolute privacy.

Nothing is pleasing like having hygiene;
Nothing is pleasant like hospitality.
Nothing is drawing like benevolence.
With these as yardsticks culture is valued.


Legs have no worries.

Be a servant rather than a master
Willingly and lovingly in a field,
By when you will have lived a peaceful life
With fewer worries and longer merry.  

Wealth of information

Information plenty everywhere
On health, insurance, cookery and beauty,
Intention to reach them has slowed down.
Wealth of information kills attention.


God will mock man.

Property is just a part of the earth
Man walks on and animals roam on.
Man only clings to it and dies for it.
Man doesn’t know God will mock him for that.


Trees are the Nature.

Fire to exist needs fuel.
Life to exist needs fodder.
Food has to be organic.
Trees alone can convert
Inorganic to organic.
As fuel to fire’s life
So is plant to animals.
A tree is more a Yogi,
More than a savior
To you and animals.
Pray to a tree than a god;
Keep a tree instead of shrines.
To fell a tree is a murder.
To fell a tree is a suicide.
No tree will seem ugly
As a tree is the Nature.


Monday 11 July 2016

An effortless process

Peace is not something brought about.
Peace is the result of calmness
That comes when the mind is settled
Like the troubled water settling.
Peace is an effortless process
Each one would get with due patience. 


Stupidity of flirts

One loves and the other lets one do so.
Some infatuated swains in their course
Mistake insensibility of women
For modesty, their dullness for reserve
And their vacuity for bashfulness.
Thus a man loves in a fool’s paradise.

One likes and the other let one do so.
Some female swans in their imagination
Treat men’s dullness as simplicity,
Their selfishness as superiority
And stupidity as manly gravity.
Thus a woman lives in a fantasy.
(Inspired by Vanity Fair novel)

Letters not to stay

There are no better satires than letters.’
Go through the bundle of letters written
A decade ago by your erstwhile friends.
Look at the pile of letters you have got
From your sister bef’re she quarreled with you.
Get down at the scrolls of your beloved son
Before he turned against you on wealth suit.
Vows, love, promises, gratitude and trust-
How queerly they all on those letters
Laugh at me, mock me and knock me down!
I wish no paper had more than a month life.
I wish no ink had more than a week life.
Let us be safe from going through the past.
There are no better satires than letters.


Sunday 10 July 2016

Concept of God et al

Concept of God:
God is from Faith; Faith is not Truth.

Concept of the World:
Matter and energy conversion.;

Concept of Soul:
A Vibration in the Body;

Concept of Life:
A single string through Live Kingdom;

Concept of Body:
Made of five elements by Soul;

Concept of sex:
Socket and pin pull to join.

Concept of Birth:
A sprout of Bud from the Life stem;

Concept of growth:
Life builds cells from five elements.

Concept of Death:
Fall of a Leaf yellowed from Life.

Concept of Rebirth:
A leaf is born not from old one.


Sail while you sail.

Every relationship is bound to end
As every birth is on its way to death.
The end is bitter, and, perhaps, painful.
Fearing the end will not make the end sweet.


Chaste still they are.

Stigma attached to infidelity
Is fizzling out with guilt feeling lying low,
Among the middle aged couples,
With easy access from modern devices.
Marriage is still valid for the child care,
Identity and property transfer.
Transcendence in sex is sought to regain 
Thrills that they miss from their partners gone stale.

For a night stand, for a fling or for intimacy
Partners give each other moving spaces
With tacit understanding for crossing floors,
Ensuring that it is not for progeny.

Outwardly the couples are respectable.
Inwardly they cross with mutual consents.
They don’t consider each other unchaste
As adultery sanctioned is no adultery.


Tendency is to value the up

Fair skin has come as the embodiment
Of beauty for the white were dominant
In life style, with which to identify
Was the tendency of other races.


Saturday 9 July 2016

God has no life.

Space precedes Time.
Time precedes the Dark.
The Dark precedes the Light.
The Light precedes life,
Whose recent one is Man.

God is prior to all,
Formless and lifeless,
Answering to no calls.
Must we propitiate Him?
Can we be absolved of sins?


Demand for no religion

The Hindu religion is most primitive
And hence have numerous god images.
No god image is carved in new faiths.
Faiths in future will have no gods at all.


Fashion flows down.

I ape the fashion and customs
Of the class or the society
With which I want to identify
Myself so as to belong to them
Whom I hold high culturally,
Socially or economically.


Parents’ ignorance

‘You are not good; become better.’
‘You are not good; don’t become worse.’
Parents groom or prune their children
To their whims from their ignorance.

To have balance in life

The world is of duality;
The life is of duality.
Things perceived have duality.
The perceivers have duality.

See up and down or front and back.
See one’s two poles or two natures.
See dark and light or wrong and right.
Some nocturnal and some diurnal;

Love and hate in one alternate.
Fear and desire would regulate.
You move and things you see too move.
Time is a wheel on Space, the road.

Understanding duality
Is awareness gained in Toto.
Not to be overawed by things,
One can keep balance in one’s life.


Smile as an arrow

In her arched forehead with her nose decked  out
Like a sharp arrow, and brows rising as the chord,
Dashed a smile straight at me and I fell flat.
The consequent rains of love drenched my heart.

translated by me fro Tamil Poet of Srilanka, Yesakial.

Governments must prevail.

Love thy neighbour as thyself.
Love includes care and concern
And neighbour, life and property.
Love thy neighbour as thyself.

Must the militant know this?
Must the terrorists know this?
Must the robbers and looters
And killers for gain know this?

 Either scrape all religions
That people don’t follow them
Or be ruthless to the errant
Irrespective of religions.
No government must relax
On law and order issues
When innocent are attacked
And women are exploited.


Thursday 7 July 2016

Save the progeny

 Spend not anything because you can.
Energy is then saved.
Harm not anyone because you can.
Cruelty is then stayed,
Rape not a woman because you can.
Liberty is then safe.
Unless you take caution from now on,
Progeny will be unsafe.


Life converges in the brain.

The gross body is there and visible;
The mind is there; the intellect is there;
The subtle ego and the soul are there;
All the four are non-visible in one;

The gross body consumes food and takes air
And grows to stay as a vehicle for four.
Mind stores, reacts, broods, muses and recalls
With love and hate and fear and anger.

 Intellect reasons and takes decisions
And is often in conflict with the mind.
Ego is the captain, who sails or sinks
With fame or shame, in the vessel taken.

Soul, the God particle, omnipresent
In the body, is a piece of the life string
That runs through all living organisms,
Carrying DNA and giving awareness.

The brain acquaints itself with the body
And not the soul, and to that extent lives
In illusion, which is known as nescience,
And get agitated to that extent. 

 The brain, a part of the gross body,
Associates itself with mind, intellect,
And ego in function for the God particle,
Which stops functioning when the brain is dead.

Why is a journey?

Each journey would start with a single step.
How far and how long it goes may vary.
It may abort anytime in between.
Journeying is the goal of the journey.


Venture is light.

I must get her love, for which I shall spend
A lot of labour and a lot of pain.
While I seek her love I don’t mind labour
That hews the process, with her love in mind.
The abyss is crossed to reach a castle.
A desire in pursuit makes venture light.

Wednesday 6 July 2016

Fear must sleep.

Do you keep a saving account?
Do you have enough stocks of food?
Do you get friends to live with?
Fear consciousness is the cause.

Fear is the root from which life sprouts.
That fear goes means suicide has come.
Fear, like a grain in the eye, pricks,
And in its sleep comes peacefulness.


The seed of desire

Kama is the seed of desire
In the mind of the One
Which gives birth to Cosmos;
Thus says Rig Veda (10.129)

Kama is the source of creation,
Procreation and, nay, all action.
Kama is one of the three goals,
The other being living and virtue.

Kamasutra is the scripture
For sex, physical and psychological.
Gupta Empire and Harsha Dynasty
Glorified Kama with erotic arts.

Khajuraho and konark temples
Exhibit images doing sex.
Anything about sex bore no stigma.
Consensual sex was a Dharma.

Kama does not read monogamy;
Kama does not obey monogamy.
Fantasy is the rule of the game.
Erotic art is an entertainment.

There was even a God for Kama
In the Hindu Mythology.
Libido is the basal energy
From which spring all energies.

Monogamy was introduced
But prostitution was permitted.
Ancient people valued Kama
And had seated it on the pedestal.

Anything about sex became bad
In the wake of cultural invasion
And the rise of fundamentalism.
Indians fake to be prude but grope.

Banning porn sites (India)

 Watching porn to all is a charm
Yet exposure to it will harm.
Mind set for sex will get a turn.
From having bed-sex, you will wane.

Watching and watching games onscreen,
You don’t like to see them on-ground.
Watching and watching porn online
You would loath having sex on bed.

Pornography is the outlet,
Easy to access in the net
For all men and women, for whom
Sex is a taboo and remote.

Watching porn in private harms none.
Having consensual sex harms none.
So do any infatuation.
Probing these is barbarism.

The state showing the least concern
To protect me from the rest of others,
Shows much concern to save me
From myself in such denials.


Tuesday 5 July 2016

Limiting factors.

I can win a running race
And get a golden medal.
Can I win my girl’s patience
Till the time I achieve it?

I can win an election
And rule the state one more term.
Can I win my health problem
And live through the next term?


Ups and downs

No arms take credit for their position
In a moving wheel at a given time.
In the wheel of time set in motion,
Don’t take credit for the position got.


God will sail.

Religions came into being
To conduct and domesticate
The people with a set of codes,
Sins and punishments in God’s name.

With Governments into being,
With a Court of Law to regulate
The people in all the countries,
The need of the religion is gone.

Religions divide and breed violence.
Scrap dogmas and drop rituals.
Respect the laws and obey the rules.
Peace will prevail and God will sail.


No man is fit to say so.

Why is the Sun always burning?
Why does the Earth spin and revolve?
Why are there five elements on the earth?
Why are there births and deaths in a cycle?
The one who cannot answer these questions
Is unfit to say why you’re born or of the goal.


The creator of life is the life

 Icha-Kriya-Anubhuti e.i. willing-Doing-feeling
Exists in all conscious beings on the earth.

Sat-Chit-Ananda i.e. Existance-Knowledge-Bliss
Exists in all beings at least as a trace.

Material objects lack these phenomena
And man manifests these in a high degree.

Things that are devoid of consciousness
Cannot be the cause of consciousness.

From whom all things are created, by whom
All are sustained and into whom all exist

Is Supreme, the base of consciousness,
From which originates the single life line

That runs through all living organisms
Which are as the result of evolution.

The creator of life-force is the life.

Self-sufficiency lacking

A beggar might be possessive of his bowl;
A master may not be so of his wealth.
Denouncement is not of materials
Or person but of mind with dependence, attachment and or acquisiveness.
Excessive desire to acquire, retain
And dominate works as possessiveness.
It shows lack of self sufficiency
And display a sort of inadequacy.